I've been contemplating if I would type my thoughts on the election this week. I thought about not doing it as I know I have plenty of friends and family who have a wide variety of views and beliefs when it comes to politics. Many think religion and politics are "off limits" when it comes to mixed company. For me, it is all about the way you approach it and present your ideas. I think everyone has to come to the conversation with an open mind. Plus, why have a blog if you can't use it as an outlet to write about your feelings. (I know it might not be NEARLY as exciting as pictures of what Brent and I have done this weekend, or cakes I've made. You don't have to read it, but it sure felt good to write it.)
However, in this election, especially most recently, I have realized I was rather passionate about our next president. So that is my disclaimer for the following...Remember...I am "open minded." I've considered all that has been laid on the table.
I think as republicans, we were extremely disappointed in our candidate and as the campaign continued, we faced a harsh reality that the likelihood of a republican president in '09 looked very bleak. I have been trying to face this reality for a few weeks now. Especially as Palin entered in the picture, especially as the media continued to support Obama so heavily and as Obama gained such celebrity status, I knew McCain was going to have to fight very hard to have a chance.
I heard a great conversation discussing why we as republicans didn't feel as if McCain was a great candidate and it's largely due to the fact that his core beliefs were not right in line with most conservative, republican opinions. In one of the last debates, the abortion and gay marriage topic came up. These are both huge topics for republicans, but McCain lacked the passion that we wanted to see in these issues. Once I heard this point, I realized that the speaker was spot on with his point and that many republicans would agree.
Today I received a lovely email from RockTheVote. Because Brent and I moved to Nashville, we had to re-register so we used RockTheVote's website to do so. I was very impressed with the fact they had all the forms and addresses for the different voting precincts, they even sent us follow-up emails over the past few months to make sure we remembered to actually mail the form. I was impressed.
That is - until today. Which is what made me finally decide to blog about the election...so hold onto your panties, here begins my ranting.
You see, in this great email from RockTheVote, it was filled with excitement that we had the largest turnout of young voters this year. And I agree, that is very exciting, but not surprising if you look at how our society, especially "young" voters, react to celebrities. Think Paris Hilton. She did absolutely nothing to gain her celebrity status, but yet Americans became fascinated with her. Much like Obama. Think about it: Where did Obama come from? Where was this guy just 3-4 years ago? Who had ever heard of him? What was he doing? Why haven't people stopped to think about that?
Oh heck, here's part of the email...
"Dear Rebecca,You did it. Yesterday, more young people voted than have ever voted in American history. 24 million young voters... You picked our next president...
President-Elect Obama did precisely that. He responded to your concerns and questions. He found you on the Internet. He organized on your campuses and in your communities. And he won because of you. I don’t say any of this because President-Elect Obama is a Democrat, but because he ran a campaign as a democrat, with a small “d.” He ran a campaign that reached out to the young and the traditionally disenfranchised, he organized one-on-one and across the nation, and he talked to and with us about the issues we care about. He ran a campaign based on the democratic premise that our country is run by the people and for the people. ..."
I probably would not have usually written back, but since Tuesday night when I had a horrible thump in my stomach as ABCnews announced Obama as our president, I've realized how frustrating this is. I was really disappointed that RockTheVote so blatantly wrote their support of Obama. Had I known this, you better believe we wouldn't have used their site to register. I was mostly frustrated in this email because the author automatically assumed because I was a young voter, I chose Obama for our president. I of course quickly responded and corrected her. I also threw in that most of my young friends were not Obama supporters. Then I signed my name and said, "a republican, with a little r" mainly because when I think about how I would define myself, I doubt very seriously I would say, Becca, a sports fan, likes to scrapbook, a republican, dog lover...
There are so many young people that I work with that support Obama. The problem with that is that I work for a company that offers medicare. HELLO - haven't you been listening: Obama plans to eliminate Medicare, offering universal friggin insurance! Meaning, in just a few short years, there may be no more "company that offers medicare."
Waking up Wednesday morning and facing realization that we have Obama, I know so many young people that are extremely excited about our next president. That we have made history. And don't get me wrong, I think the fact that we have a black president is great. We have really started moving forward, becoming more progressive in our beliefs. That "change is a comin'" or whatever the heck the dang slogan is. But has ANYONE been LISTENING to what Obama has been saying? Has ANYONE REALLY heard HOW he is going to change the U.S.?
Has ANYONE thought about why SO many foreign countries were so supportive of Barack Hussein Obama? because I don't ever recall so many other countries taking such special interest in supporting a presidential candidate. Sure, maybe it's because our economy has hit rock bottom, but seriously. Ironically, for those who think Obama will turn around our country, the stock market made the largest drop EVER in history post-election. hm...are we still so sure that Obama can single handedly turn it around?
Has ANYONE thought about how much it will cost our country to offer universal health care AND college educations to everyone in the U.S.? WAKE UP people
What about taxes? If you get my dad started about taxes, you'll be there for a while and he's extremely passionate about the fact that we pay so much in taxes as it is. I can only imagine his thoughts on Obama's tax plan.
I think stepping back and thinking about the person that could possibly be our president for the next 8 years, I am mostly saddened at the fact that the decision to elect him president will very likely not affect most of us in the next 8 years, but will very likely affect our children and those of us who will be around after Obama is out of office. By then, hopefully we'll have a republican president again, but I'm sure the media will start to blame the failing economy on THAT republican president.
Through it all, however. I can say the most reassuring thing is that we always know that God is in control. Just like our every day lives, we might not always understand why our lives take us down the paths we take, or the people we meet, but we know that ultimately God is in control!
"Show me the path where I should walk; Oh Lord; point out the right road for me to follow." - Psalm 25:4
I know I've stepped on toes. I am not apologizing for my opinion, but apologizing if I offended you directly.
I'd love to hear comments - anonymous or not. I will be surprised if there aren't any because I know the majority of my friends and readers have opinions, be it with mine or against mine. Remember, I am open-minded. Promise.
Thoughts. Opinions. Comments.
7:49 AM
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Where is my motivation? I want to be a business owner making over 250k in America, the land of opportunity! The air in my ballon has been sucked out, my motivation stepped on, and when I succed the government is waiting to take a huge share! Why will I work that hard just to have my taxes raised? What backwards thinking. My passion has inspired within me another Boston Tea Party.
Preach it sister... I am a very quiet person about politics, but you took the thoughts right out of my head! Universal health care, taxes, pro-choice, gay marriage (just to name a few of the very obvious issues)... oh my. The only thing we can rest assured on is that God is in control...it still leave an uncontrollable knot in my stomach, too!
I am so glad you shared your thoughts Becca!
I will say one thing directly about politics, bc like most of my friends I am typically not so outspoken on the subject, as you know, but where the heck was the John McCain that we heard on Tuesday night for the last 22 months. That guy would have gotten elected by young or old.
Anyways, back to my passion- Like you said, God is ultimately in control and we have such a finite time here on earth. This is only approximately 100 years of our "lives" as Christians. Someone once told me that for believers this is our hell and for non-believers this is our heaven. Really puts things in perspective for me and makes me so thankful that politics and such are not things we have to endure forever.
WOW!!! What an awesome post - fair warning I'm going to leave two comments one on the post and another for the comments! Maybe if we are luck we can get a "Thoughts. Opinions. Comments. II"
First and foremost congrats on having the longest blog post within your peer group! Please reward yourself with a good grilled cheese!
First, comparing Obama to Paris Hilton, while valid in perception, does not carry much traction. But this is from my vantage point, in-which I could answer all of the questions you posted on. But I realize I pay attention slightly more than other when it comes to politics.
I can completely see your personal outrage toward Rock The Vote - however, maybe (hopefully) their intent was just that the majority of Americans voted for Mr. Obama and to congratulate all who voted. Interesting factoid: young people as a percentage of total voters did not change since the last presidential election (18% for those interested)
Your comment on the biggest stock market drop ever (post-election day) was interesting. Note, yesterday a couple of other interesting things happened like: 2 major insurance companies reported major losses and most people think they are going bankrupt, 80% increase in lay-offs compared to last year (as reported by Challenger) - also the stock market was up 4% the day before so as of yesterday were were just flat for the week.
Onto your "lump in your stomach" which I am sure can be cured by a proprietary combination of your cake and grilled cheese. Am I worried about Obama being the next president? Absolutely not! And here is why? The sad truth is that American politiceans rarely do what they say when they are trying to get elected. Case in-point: George W. I enthusiastically campaigned and voted for him. Why? His number one platform was a conservative fiscal policy (he was going to cut spending). What happened? He has spent more money than any other president in the history of our nation. Of-course we didn't have the money, so we just borrowed the money other countries? So now that we have that established let's talk about COSTS.
Also, why I am I not worried. We are in the early stages of a long recession (depression depending on how you define things). When good old W took office the Dow was a little over 11,500. Now of-course the Dow is under 9,000. Not really that great of a track record. Interesting factoid: the stock market does better than average when democrats control congress and a democrat is president (according to Ned Davis as opined on Bloomberg).
I'm out of time but my favorite part was definitely the bible verse (and of-course the financial undertones of the post) As a woman you will love this post by Beth Moore
p.s. As for the "where is my motivation"? Are you serious? We just elected a president that was raised by a single parent, with limited resources. As for Joe the unlicensed plumber who hasn't paid taxes in the past couple of years anyway? I feel sorry for him and how Republicans used him as a puppet for their agenda. Their agenda hasn't worked (well for most people anyway) for the past 8 years.
first, i completely agree that obama is motivational in where he came from, being raised from a single mother, defying the odds of winning the presidency as a black man. HOWEVER, does that make him qualified to be our president? if so, i will start the "Moncrief for president" campaign now.
Second, the fact that W did spend more in his presidency isn't a valid argument. we've been in a war that has lasted longer than anyone, including W himself, ever imagined. costing more than ever imagineable. is it fair to really say he spent more? i really doubt it.
and let's hope that your comment regarding politicians rarely do what they claim to do is true - for the benefit of all us.
afterall, even as a republican, he IS "my president" now, right?
grilled cheese are readily available in the whitaker kitchen. stop by any time you need consoling.
ps - for those who may not understand, jimmy is like a brother to me. i always say he's a male version of myself when it comes to our strong personalities and opinions. keep in mind he is my husband's best friend and what i would consider a very close friend to me as well.
Thanks for the comments, Jimmy. Feel free to keep the conversation going.
Great post sis. Waking up on Wednesday was not how I had imagined it, and like you, I did not feel well either, but not because I had eaten either cake or grilled cheese sandwiches. :)
You have made really good points about several issues that I know many will respect.
I had typed a long response to this regarding the way I feel and how I voted; however I have decided not to post it.
I am interested to see what happens next as for this blog...
1 Timothy 2:1-2 NIV "I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness."
I was simply referring to the first comment on motivation - I agree someone who motivates you does not mean he is neccesarrily qualified to do something.
I'm so glad you brought up the war, since you are worried about the costs of things. Your argument (justification) for this costs isn't valid, for this reason. Even if we had to go to war (which I'm not saying we did, but even if you assume this) it simply means you cut expenses somewhere else. Like we do as consumers. But no, the current administration just went into debt to do this. Come on now - you live in Dave Ramsey country now, certainly you don't agree with just printing money, going into debt to go to war, bail out banks, and help out consumers with their gas bill.
Please know that I am merely pointing out another view, and am pumped my OLDER sister is pumped up about money and politics!
I completely agree - we should be cutting spending somewhere to pay for the war and other expenditures. However, we're not. We should NOT be borrowing money from other countries - I shudder to think of the repercusions of that decision. The so called bail out plan was a joke. But do you honestly believe that Obama will step into office and change that? Maybe. Maybe not. But as a society, we aren't even doing that as consumers. We've been warned for the past 10 years that "the sky is falling," but no one listened. Now everyone wants to point the blame on the current administration and not look to themselves as the root cause of the problem when more than HALF Of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck and not batting an eye at maxing out their credit cards.
They think that Obama will step into office and all of our problems will be solved overnight. Again, ultimately I have no worries.
Just opinions because I know that my GOD is in control!!
BTW - I'm only older by less than 15 days, just for the record.
The important issues first - you need to check your math on being older than me by 15 days.
No, I don't think Obama will fix the issues you related to in your last comment. Do I think he will do a better job than George W. well yes. But just for reference, I also think Fletcher would do a better job. Not to minimize Fletcher's fiscal aptitude in any way.
Lastly, YES, aren't you happy and full of joy and grace knowing that GOD is in control.
Sounds like that lump in your stomach is gone - so I'm out. As I said before, I wouldn't assume anything by these comments as to who you might think I voted for.
Great point about Fletcher Jimmy, that made my night!
Becca, I agree with you on almost all points, but I've grown too weary of politics the past year to even get into the discussion.
Chris Bradberry
Thank you for the comment. I am not sure I know you, but I will make sure I follow your blog now. We, as Christians, have to stick together for the sake of our families and our country. Thank you.
Very well written, and I believe that those of us who are BELIEVERS should use our blogs to present the Gospel and the difference between us and The World. That means, we will have to get vulnerable and real; which is what we all are hungry and grasping for. With having said that...it saddens me that those voting for Obama were sucked in with all the sugar coating.
With Mr. McCain, I kept saying over and over, I will choose the best of the two, the one that aligns more with the Word of God. We may not have had the best candidate out there, but he was the one that had guts. It takes much will-power and stamina any more to run for any government elected office, for dirt is what the world thrives on, and dirt is what they are after. Just pick up a People, National Enquirer, etc.
I pray that many will grow hungry for TRUTH and seek God and His Word. Life and death, Light and darkness, Truth and lies. All the difference in the world, right Sister?
Sorry to rant, I'm just in agreement with your post!
I "painted" on my canvas today. God spoke a word to my heart and I just simply must trust and obey.
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