The LORD is my rock, my fortress, and my savior; my God is my rock, in whom I find protection. He is my shield, the power that saves me, and my place of safety. I called on the LORD, who is worthy of praise, and he saved me from my enemies. Psalm 18:2-3, NLT
I love this verse, don't you? I find such peace in reading that God is my rock. We might say that so many people or things are our rock, but truly God is the only one that fulfill that role for us. Man my little girl is 6 months old today. I am so excited to watch her grow every day, yet get a little sad when I think how quickly her little life is flying by. I love every second and love that I get to savor all the time I have with her!
She had her 6 month check up today and she is doing great. We continue to get comment after comment about how small she is, but her doctor is pleased with her growth. She continues to be moving up on her little growth curve on the chart even though she's only in the 25th percentile for weight and 10th percentile for height. Who would have ever guessed that I of all people would end up with a small baby? I am definitely surprised, but just as I told Brent there are PLENTY of up sides to a little baby: 1. She doesn't outgrow her clothes as fast 2. She has stayed in size 1 diapers longer which is awesome because I have a whole closet full thanks to my parents 3. She will stay in her carrier longer which means I can keep her sleeping longer on our outings.
So there are plenty of good things about being small and I'm very sure that one day soon I'll be talking about how big she is! I mean it is inevitable that the child will be the tallest girl in her class one day - her mother is 5'10" and her father is over 6'2".
Here's my little lamb as of late....she's an angel and I love her more and more every day!
A Change in Priorities
1 day ago
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