I was looking through all the pictures I've taken since my last post and realized not only have we done a lot since my last post, but man, we stay busy. I thought when I started staying at home that we might become hermits, but we haven't. God has been so good to us and He continues to show his faithfulness to us every day. We are really excited about the opportunities to come in 2010!
So we had the Winter Storm of 2010 a few weeks ago. I was sooo shocked the day it started snowing. They call for snow here ALL. THE. TIME. I get excited every time, so I decided this time around I would just play the laid back game. We had all of our family coming in for Gabbie's dedication at church, so I went ahead with all those plans. I took a trip the grocery store late Thursday night, spent all day Friday getting the house spotless - you know, the usual stuff. So it's Friday around 10:00 a.m. and I'm upstairs cleaning the bathroom with the news on and I hear, "Snow has started falling in the Nashville area..." I look outside and this is what I see:
I was in the process of calling and emailing Brent pictures because so much snow had already fallen. By the time I had posted pictures on Facebook and emailed pictures to mom and Brent, I look outside (less than 10 minutes later - I know this because of the time stamp on my camera) and THIS is what has fallen:
So at this point I am so excited, but a little nervous because the Moncriefs are supposed to be in the car on their way to our house for the weekend. Much to the surprise of many, they actually decided to make the trip. They did really well with their time making it over Monteagle and into Murfreesboro with no problems. (of course all that with a lot of praying from both sides) Then they came to a standstill. Literally. For 3 hours they sat on I-24 with their engines off in freezing cold weather, ice, and snow blanketing the roads. All because of a really really bad accident involving over 14 cards.
Thankfully they finally made it to our house and we had three fabulous snow days together. What better way to spend snow days than with your best friends? We ate way too much bad food, played a million and one games of Settlers of Catan (AWESOME GAME!), watched the girls interact, we even ventured out to a HUGE hill in our area to go sledding on Sunday with the Sapps - now THAT was a lot of fun.
This one's sooo cute: Brent teaching Ada how to play ping pong. What was really cute was the next morning, she went in the room and pulled this little chair up to the table and waited for Brent to come in there again.
I love this one - the girls look like they're talking to each other. Ada is really really good at sharing - she loves to share her breakfast or any food for that matter with her buddy. She even lets her have frog sometimes which is a biggie!
This picture looks like we're at a ski slope - so funny!
Gabbie showing off her skills of sitting up and Ada getting down on her level so they can play together. So sweet!There were about 50 other people on this hill we went to for sledding. We even had someone feel sorry for us and let us use their inner tube and really really good sled. We had a blast!!
Ada is definitely at the age where she copies everything she sees. Here she's got my nursing cover and her frog - we just missed it, but frog was under the nursing cover and she was talking to him. SOOOO funny. We were all crying laughing.
We also attempted to do a little sledding in our backyard with our neighbors. This was before we hit the HUGE hill. Our neighbors are from Canada, so they schooled us in sledding....
Here are some more sledding shots from the big hill we went to:
This was SOO much fun: Brittany, Casey and I all on the inner tube together FLYING down the hill. Of course we didn't make it ALL the way down, but at least 3/4 of the way before crashing....Brittany has the whole ride on her Flip video - it is hilarious! I really love this first picture of all those kids just standing on the hill watching us. LOL
...and the crash. Brittany had actually fallen off about 2 minutes before, but she ran down to us and has it on video. That's Casey on the left crawling back over to the tube. I have a nice big black and blue bruise on my knee thanks to this thrilling ride!
A few pics of our precious girls:
Yep, she's sitting up. Of course I'm having to hold her hand a little to get a get picture, but she's doing great. What a champ!And this is what Fletcher thought about this post and the weekend activities:
More posts to come of all the other stuff we've been up to these past few weeks, but I think this post probably is more than you all wanted to see or know about the Whitakers....
A Change in Priorities
19 hours ago
great documentation of a very fun weekend! We are so glad we got to be snowed in with you!
My favorite is still the shot of Ada nursing frog...oh my!
did you get my comment I left on here the other day? Just wanted to make sure :)
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