9 months

Can you believe it - we're 3 months away from a certain little person's 1 year birthday? I cannot believe it. Seriously. Where does time go? I love the summer months, but I know my summers will never be the same. We're counting down the days to Memorial Day so that our pool is open and our mornings will be spent basking in the sun and water.
We went for our 9 month check up this week so I thought I'd share the "stats": weighing in at a whopping 17 pounds 4 ounces and 27 inches long. Yes, she's little for a 9 monther but she's still on the growth chart. She's in the 25th percentile and eats like a champ.

We started officially crawling this week - it all started on Saturday morning during my 15 minute nap. Brent came to wake me up and showed me the video he made of her taking her first "Crawling" steps. (not sure what else to call it?) Now, she's crawling like a crazy girl. She's all over the floor and you can tell she loves that independence.

Eating is going great - she eats whole peas, black beans, cut up whole green beans and chopped up carrots. She loves yogurt for breakfast and all of her veggies and fruits for lunch and dinner.
Of course, Fletcher is benefiting from this new menu - he patiently waits for any "treats" she might accidentally drop. They're best buddies to say the least.

Here are some fun pictures from the past 2 weeks around the house....