I have a million things I'd love to post about but not a clue where to start...
1. I think Joy Behar is mad about Bristol Palin still being on Dancing with the Stars because she's afraid it might just mean that {GASP} her mother might have a chance come presidential race 2012.
2. I saw on FB today where a couple created a website to ask for votes on whether they should have an abortion. I didn't comment on the post and honestly I didn't think I should give it a second thought here, but wow. Really? What have we come to? How sad is that. Not to mention heartbreaking.
3. I would love to be on Oprah's favorite things show - the people in the audience today looked like they would EXPLODE with excitement.
4. I have a co-worker who is uncomfortable with the word "naked" - I think that's so hilarious that I've been thinking of every possible way to use it and it not be inappropriate. (ie: Naked Pita Chips)
5. People have been asking how my half marathon training is coming. Well, it's great. If you consider that my body SCREAMS at me throughout most of the run, yeah. It's just great. Fabulous. I have always known running is the best way for my own body to get in shape. The proof is in the pudding, as they say - I am in the best shape I've been in over 2 years (thank you foot surgery + pregnancy). (pics from a 5k at our church recently...)
6. Can Thanksgiving REALLY be next week? I mean really. What happened to October? I would love to host Thanksgiving at my house one year - hopefully one day that will happen especially now that I have a beaaaautiful dining room set thanks to my grandparents.
7. Gabbie is a toddler. We went away for a few days last week and she stayed in Chattanooga for 2 nights - when we returned she was full-blown walking. She has THE funniest personality. I love this stage. I was recently looking through all my pictures from Moncrief Photography from this first year - I cannot believe how much she has changed. From looking kind of like an Asian baby in those first few days, to being bald and beautiful, to my one front tooth pirate, to now - just full of happiness and joy and so dang funny! Have I mentioned that I love her so much?! I do.
8. I am excited to do Elf on a Shelf with Gabbie this year. Sure she won't get it, but I will and it will be fun. My aunt bought her one for her birthday - complete with a little skirt. Does anyone do this? Any tips?
9. I am currently uploading all the pictures from my camera and just got overwhelmed...again...at everything I've missed blogging about:
- I hosted a playdate at my house for our preschool group from church. 25 People. Crazy
- I participated in a Holiday Dinner at our church where I was a table host and had to decorate a table. Brent's Aunt Cyndi was AWESOME - she helped me SO much and now I've been asked (along with a few others) to help decorate our church. WOW. I am honored.
- We went on a mini vacation last week to Gatlinburg. It was fabulous - especially having friends with us that have girls the same age as Gabbie. AND going with someone who had never been!
- Brent and I left Gabbie in Chattanooga for the first time overnight - we hit up Atlanta thanks to our friends who gave us a 2 night stay for free at a Marriott. {while we were there, we had a crazy experience! We arrived back at our hotel at 1:30 am after seeing a late movie to find the hotel swarming with police cars and CSI vehicles and tape. We found out that someone had been shot in the parking lot and died on the front steps of hotel check in. We immediately requested to be moved and they were so very accommodating. needless to say, we solidified our desire NOT to live in Atlanta - we were even in Buckhead! crazy. Thankfully our second day was awesome and we got moved to a great hotel.
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