I know I already posted about St. Jude and my marathon, but I don't know I truly put into words how impactful it was on me to participate in this race. Sure, I completed 13.1 miles. So what.
All I could truly think about was how much fighting and physical pain so many children have had to experience in fighting cancer.
This video is so extremely powerful - as I worry about whose present I haven't purchased yet, or making sure I got enough for Gabbie, I realize how different my Christmas would be if I was spending it at St Jude. I can't help but be so overwhelmed with emotions as I think about how gracious our God is to give us the gift of a child, but also the gift of a child who is healthy.
If you have never given to St. Jude, maybe this year you'll give in honor of your own child. They don't ask for much, but they do provide the world to so many families. Of course my own sister and nephew spent his first two years of his life at St Jude. And what's amazing: they didn't (nor have they ever) paid a dime for Tre's treatment! wow.
So watch this video....Break out the kleenex and consider giving in honor of your children or family members who are healthy this Christmas. That don't have to worry about if they will get to see another Christmas.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 425
2 hours ago
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