A little ranting

I just read this article that had been posted on Facebook. I thought it would be interesting, but instead I think I got a little irritated at the entire topic.
First, after moving to our little area of Nashville I've stopped frequenting Walmart so much. Mainly because we don't have one really that close to us, but also my eyes have been opened to a better way to shop which is couponing and "regular" grocery stores. It seems like the last few times I've bought produce at Walmart it goes bad in just a few days which is very frustrating. I won't even discuss their meat....I haven't seen Food Inc in its entirety, but I know enough...yuck.

So after reading this article touting Walmart and our First Lady on their hard work to reduce all the bad stuff in Walmart's store brand, I got a little frustrated. Walmart is set to take over the world (ha) why do they get more media attention just because they're doing something they should have done from the very beginning: make their food to the standard we should all be abiding by AND their produce affordable. (side note: their produce is pretty affordable mainly because they select bottom of the barrel produce so they can "pass on their savings to their consumers.")
It's kind of like when you see your favorite food that says "now healthier" or "now made without trans fat." Soooo why didn't you just make it that way originally?

Thank you for letting me rant. Have a nice day.