Hey there party people. I am getting around to typing out my journal pages from my trip to Guatemala. Keep in mind, I never really wrote any of this to necessarily publish on the WWW. I hope it gives you a raw, description of my time in Guatemala....
Saturday - March 5
Our plan to Guatie was about 1 hour delayed for security problems. Funny because I didn't even realize we were so far behind until someone mentioned it. My original seat had me placed between two students - 1 from Hershey, PA, a medical student traveling to Guatemala City to work with a medical team at an orphanage there. The other student was traveling with a group from Massachusetts to an organic farming experience in Guat City's Farmer's Markets. The group they're working with is teaching children how to farm and have jobs once they finish school. I ended up moving seats to nab an aisle seat and be closer to the rest of my team only to learn that my new fellow passengers were part of a grandmother-daughter-sister-aunt team working with SafePassage also in Guat City. Specifically with women and children.
I just read my first of 7 letters from Brent and Gabbie which was so incredibly encouraging to me but of course makes me miss this like crazy. Driving into the airport already proved to be emotionally tough as I realized not only was I leaving the two people I love the most but also that neither would be with me to share all that God has in store for me and our group this week. Big question still to be answered: Why am I supposed to be on this trip? I don't know the answer but I know that God plans to reveal that to me as the week progresses.
I can only imagine what transformation will occur as I sit here in our comfy seats, reading overpriced books we all just bought in the airport, sipping diet coke, snacking on gummy bears with bellies already stuffed from a $22 lunch all the while discussing what purpose our group has in Guatemala.
I know a culture shock is in store. I know that there is no way I'll be able to pass by the 100's of kids on streets or in dumps without showing compassion on them.
I also know satan has already tried to rear his ugly head in the form of fear. I know it is a lie because God has a purpose for all of us and will protect us. Even on this bumpy plane ride - definitely through the streets of Guatemala and beyond.
Psalm 23: "Yea though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for though art with me. Thy road and thy staff they comfort me."
Green-Themed Movies for the Whole Family
8 hours ago
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