Well the Two City Tour has come and gone. For some crazy reason we decided it would be a great idea to have a birthday party in two locations for Gabbie's second birthday this year. Of course the initial intentions were that each would be low key - nothing like last year's big par-tay.
So Sunday night we had a few friends over to the house and had Gabbie's Fiesta of a party. With 2 of Gabbie's closest buddies and 2 other families, it was a much more intimate affair which was perfect for this age group. Not too overwhelming and just enough time together they weren't overly exhausted. We had chicken quesadillas, the girls made some elmo puppets, played in the backyard (because it was unseasonably cool yet again for a summer birthday party at the Whitakers this summer), did some coloring, ate plenty of cake and ice cream and just had a flat out great time. I think the biggest gift hit by far was the bubbles that the Sapps gave her. She FLIPPED out squeeling in delight when she spotted them in the bag. It was too funny because I have a closet full of bubbles I had forgotten about - they've definitely become a fan favorite and we've spent almost every afternoon in the backyard with bubbles ever since. {Annnd the batteries were dead in my camera so zero pictures to be posted from Sunday night. I have a good friend who thankfully had a camera, so I did get a few shots, just don't have them yet....I'll post them when they get to me!}
A few days later, we packed up the tour and headed to Chattanooga for the second stop in our 2 city tour event. This time we held it outside at a playground close to my parent's house. We have been having really nice afternoons/evenings, with cooler temperatures, so I hoping and praying the weather would behave. Welll the good thing is that it didn't rain and instead was about 95 degrees even at 6:30 p.m. We made the most of it and served up our ice cream pretty early into the party. With every topping imaginable for your ice cream sundae, all of Gabbie's guests got packed full of sugar, then hit the playground. All of Gabbie's bestest little buddies in Chattanooga {Read: Brent & my friends and their kiddos} came out for the evening along with most of our family that lives in Chattanooga as well. It really was so much fun and of course, like all fun things, the time FLEW. Before I knew it, it was 8:30 and most of our guests were heading home. Gabbie walked away with a plethora of gifts but I think her favorite by far was the baby and baby bed my sister passed down (it was ours when we were little). The baby that came along with it was Brittany's and Gabbie loves it. I think mainly because it's more life-size than her others. 1 week later and she's still loving that baby and baby bed (that my grandfather made by the way).
Mi Padres: trying to stay cool...
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